Leap Castle, The Most Haunted Castle in Ireland

Mysteries of The Most Haunted: Leap Castle

The world’s most haunted castle, Leap Castle, stands in solemn testimony to centuries of turbulent history, bearing witness to both fortress and tomb. Nestled in County Offaly, Ireland, just north of Roscrea on the R421, this ancient stronghold has been a witness to the brutal conflicts and ghastly atrocities of times long past.

Leap Castle, The Most Haunted Castle in Ireland

Leap Castle, The Most Haunted Castle in Ireland

Constructed in the early 1500s under the watchful eye of the powerful O’Carroll clan, Leap Castle has weathered storms of bloodshed and echoes with the whispers of tormented spirits. Its imposing structure, a silent sentinel against the backdrop of the Irish landscape, holds within its walls the haunting tales of love, betrayal, and the relentless passage of time.

Journey through the Ages:

The castle’s origin, shrouded in the mists of time, is believed to date back to the 13th or 15th century, with the O’Bannon clan overseeing its construction. Originally named “Léim Uí Bhanáin” or “Leap of the O’Bannons,” the castle occupies a site with a history stretching back to the Iron Age and possibly even to Neolithic times.

The annals of Leap Castle recount the struggles for its possession, with the Earl of Kildare attempting to seize it in 1513, resulting in partial demolitions. The O’Carrolls, however, reclaimed their stronghold by 1557.

The Legend of Mad Captain Darby:

The castle’s ownership passed into the hands of the Darby family in 1642 through marriage. Jonathan Charles Darby’s tenure saw the infamous séances conducted by his wife, Mildred Darby, a writer of Gothic novels. The ghosts of Leap Castle emerged into public consciousness, creating an aura of mystery that endures to this day.

Legend has it that Mad Captain Darby, (the third person to live at Leap Castle) consumed by madness, buried a crock full of gold within the confines of Leap Castle. His descent into insanity led him to murder the two servants who assisted in hiding the treasure. As the shadows of his deteriorating mind closed in, he found himself unable to recall the exact location of his concealed wealth. A cryptic tale that lingers within the stones of Leap Castle—a treasure hidden, souls lost.

The Bloody Chapel Tragedy:

The Bloody Chapel in Leap Castle, Ireland

The Bloody Chapel in Leap Castle, Ireland

Amid family strife following Mulrooney O’Carroll’s death in 1532, a bitter rivalry unfolded, turning brother against brother. The haunting echoes of this feud resonate in the “Bloody Chapel,” where a priest, called Thaddeus, met a tragic end and was killed at the hands of his own brother, Teighe. The priest’s lifeless form sprawled across the altar, forever staining the sacred space with the memory of fraternal betrayal.

The oubliette lies within the Bloody Chapel’s ominous ambiance—a small chamber with a dark history. Originally designed for storing valuables or seeking refuge during sieges, the O’Carrolls repurposed it into a sinister dungeon. The oubliette earned its name, meaning “to forget,” as once someone was thrown in, they were simply abandoned. The O’Carrolls, known for their cunning brutality, employed the oubliette for disposing of prisoners—dead or dying. Legends recount grim feasts where mercenaries were poisoned and their corpses discarded into the oubliette. During the Darbys’ occupation, the oubliette revealed its macabre secret as three cartloads of skeletons were removed, awakening dormant spirits, including the elusive Elemental.
Restoration Amidst Ruin:

In 1974, Australian historian Peter Bartlett, with familial ties to the Banon clan, acquired the now-ruined castle. Collaborating with builder Joe Sullivan, they embarked on extensive restoration work until Bartlett’s passing in 1989. Since 1991, musician Sean Ryan and his wife Anne have continued the restoration, breathing new life into the ancient stones.

The Supernatural Veil:

An Entity photographed in Leap Castle's Bloody Chapel

Captured by one of our travelers in June 2022

Leap Castle, steeped in a history of violence and tragedy, is reputedly haunted by several entities. Among the most infamous is the Elemental called It, a malevolent force said to embody pure evil. Although not having been witnessed in the last three decades, it is believed to have been summoned centuries ago by occult practices by Mildred Darby. Most visitors fear the anticipation of ever witnessing its ominous presence.

Additionally, the ghost of a young woman referred to as “The Governess” is said to have seen and felt the most. She is said to be associated with two little girls from the early 1600s, Emily and Charlotte, who are often seen and heard. Emily said to be between 11 and 12 years old, is thought to have met her demise from a fall from the top of the castle to the grounds. Screams of a little girl have been said to have been heard by many. Her playmate, Charlotte is between 6-7 years old and fell victim to an infectious disease.  The priests Thaddeus and Teighe are also said to roam the castle’s Bloody Chapel. A third priest, known as “The Guardian” is provided the credit of protecting the castle from its famous Elemental. 

Leap Castle has drawn the attention of paranormal investigators, featured in various TV shows, including Scariest Places on Earth, Most Haunted, Ghost Hunters, and Ghost Adventures. The castle proudly declares itself as “one of the world’s most haunted castles.”

Legacy in Literature and Lore:

Leap Castle’s eerie history found its way into literary works, notably on the cover of Tim Winton’s novel “The Riders.” Robert Hardy explored its hauntings in “Castle Ghosts of Ireland,” and Aaron Mahnke delved into its dark tales in “The World of Lore: Dreadful Places.”

As you step into Leap Castle’s shadowed halls, know that each stone holds the weight of centuries—a testament to love, tragedy, and the lingering spirits that refuse to rest—the whispers of Leap Castle’s past beckon, inviting the brave to unravel its haunting legacy.

A Traveler’s Tale:

(written by Lady Ann Selene, on her visit in July 2022)

Entering the Bloody Chapel of Leap Castle, Ireland

Entering the Bloody Chapel of Leap Castle, Ireland

“I remember pulling up to Leap Castle during our tour with Mysterious Adventures Tours. I had been thinking about the story of “The Dark Elemental” that I had heard. I also spent time recalling the photos I had seen that looked as if there was a dark mass, or black mist within, what is known as “The Bloody Chapel”

“It was a beautiful day, the sun was out and I remember only a slight breeze. The owner Sean had a fire going in the fireplace there on the main floor. It was hard for me to believe that this place was known for so much bloodshed and hauntings.

“Our tour group broke up into small groups. Some were in different rooms using ghost-hunting equipment such as EMF detectors and an SB7 Ghost Box. With the Ghost Box, you can perform what is known as the Estas Method. This is where one person sits with noise-canceling headphones plugged into the ghost box. What you hear is a radio sweeping through many channels. While it sweeps, there are sometimes words and full sentences that you can hear come through in different voices, sometimes the same voice multiple times.

“The person is also typically blindfolded. The purpose of the blindfold and noise-canceling headphones is so that the person is not affected by knowing the questions that are being asked, in an effort for purer results.

“While fellow investigators delved into their studies, I chose a solitary path, ascending the timeworn steps to the Bloody Chapel. The call of the chapel resonated, leading me to a moment of solitude, surrounded only by the ancient stones that whispered tales of centuries past.

“Standing in that sacred space, gazing over the Irish countryside through open stone windows, a profound peace enveloped me. It was a place where the boundary between worlds blurred, and I felt an inexplicable sense of belonging. As I looked around, attempting to transport myself to the 1500s, the serene exterior of Leap Castle concealed the unseen echoes of its tumultuous history.

“Peering down the oubliette, a shiver ran down my spine. I envisioned the horror of meeting one’s demise in that dark chamber and pondered the unsettling discovery of bones that bore witness to a brutal past. The juxtaposition of the picturesque landscape and the hidden horrors within the castle’s depths left an indelible mark on my soul.”

A most magical, unforgettable, and unusual travel experience

Leap Castle, seemingly a realm where fairies and the unseen might dwell, reveals a duality—an unseen darkness that lingered beneath the surface, tinging its tormented history. The ethereal beauty masked a complex past, reminding us that every place, no matter how enchanting, carries echoes of both light and shadow. With many visits to Leap Castle, our travelers depart carrying with them not just the memories of Leap Castle’s haunting tales, but a profound understanding of echoes from the past. These stay with them forever etched into the fabric of their being.

Phantoms & Magical Creatures: Halloween In Ireland in 2025 With Aaron Sagers

Phantoms & Magical Creatures: Halloween In Ireland in 2025 With Aaron Sagers

Celebrate Halloween in 2025 Investigating Leap Castle With Our Phantoms & Magical Creatures: Halloween In Ireland Tour

Picture yourself wandering through dimly lit corridors, where every creak and groan echoes with the ghosts of the past. Hear the tales of the O’Carroll clan, who once ruled this domain with an iron fist, leaving behind legends of intrigue and tragedy.

But beware, for Leap Castle holds secrets darker than the night itself. Dare you to step into the infamous Bloody Chapel, where the spirits of long-departed souls are said to linger? Or brave the spectral presence of the Red Lady, whose tragic tale still haunts these hallowed halls?  No worries, we can do this together!


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